FTP to Amazon S3
Launched in 2006, Amazon S3 provides an incredible 99.999999999% data durability. That means if you store 10,000 files, you can expect to lose a single file approximately every 10,000,000 years.
Because of this, S3 is hugely popular - but there is one large barrier to usage: your application needs to be written explicitly for the S3 protocol.
BucketBridge solves that problem by letting you access S3 via the industry standard FTP protocol. FTP was created in the 1970s, and is supported by a huge range of applications.
BucketBridge is provided as an AMI, and runs on your instances in your VPC in your AWS account - so no-one has access to your data but you.
Get started with our quickstart guide, and get old applications sending and receiving data to S3 in under 15 minutes.